What is it that the Most Successful Students Do Differently?

“Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s the part of success.” – Arianna Huffington

Success is a relative term. What success means to one person may not necessarily stand true for the other. In the simplest of words, success is a measure of how quickly and efficiently you have been able to achieve your goals. For instance, if you are able to perform better today as compared to what you performed yesterday, you might well as be taking the path to success.

Now, we understand that every parent wishes to see their children’s growth to a point wherein they are able to reach the peak of success. However, while many believe that attaining success is not everyone’s cup of tea, the fact is that in the real world, if you decide to, there is nothing stopping you from being successful.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, one of the top schools in Patna, believe that it is vital to make the children understand that success and failure are part and parcel of everyone’s life. All that’s needed is the attitude to embrace the failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Once they decide they want to kiss success and stay determined towards the goal, there would be nothing stopping them from making their dreams come true.

However, this takes us to a crucial question – What does success actually mean? So, let us explore the answer to this question in the section below and also have a look at various other aspects related to the same.

What is Success?

While it is difficult to describe success in a few words, let us attempt to do so. Success is a universal term, which may have different interpretations in different situations.

However, the base is common. The base clearly states that success is about reaching the destination you had always dreamt of reaching. Success holds a deeper meaning if you are able to reach your goal earlier than your plans.

Let us understand the ambit of success on a case-to-case basis:

Case A: Success for a student can be something as simple as ranking first in class.

Case B: When a businessperson earns a certain amount of profit, he may consider himself successful.

Case C: When a public personality garners a certain amount of attention, he may be happy to call himself successful.

What we understand from this is that success can be weighed in both monetary and non-monetary terms. It all depends upon what your priority is.

What should children know about being successful?

Many a time, children are made to see failure in a bad light. However, in reality, some of the most successful people have reached where they are today after a series of disappointments and failures.

Thus, we, at The Tribhuvan School, would like to ascertain to all our young buds that neither the failure is permanent nor is success. However, those who know that failures are nothing but rather the stepping stone to success are the ones who always remain driven to achieve success in the real sense of the term. Besides, there is a lot more to success than what most people generally perceive. Read on to know what we, at The Tribhuvan School, think in this regard.

  • Neither success nor failure marks the end:

Being successful is not an overnight job. Success usually comes after putting in days of hard work and staying committed to your goals. If you seek quick results, you are likely to give up even before trying.

Hence, what is important is to repeatedly remind children that even though they are working towards achieving success, even if they are not successful in the first attempt, it is okay. This will give them the free hand and liberty to explore options and give their best shot to things.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, make sure that our students aim for success, but not at the cost of their physical and mental well-being. We keep them reminded that there is nothing like achieving success, but even if you don’t see results immediately, it is not the end of the world. Every young mind has a long way to go, which means more chances to become successful.

  • Wholehearted efforts are equally important as success:

Success is no doubt important, but what is even more vital is to have the willingness to put in efforts to make your desires come true. By simply daydreaming, you are not going to achieve your goals.

Let us say you worked really hard on your goals but failed to see the desired level of traction, leave alone success. When you were recovering from such a blow, it is quite possible that someone must have told you efforts don’t count if you fail to see success.

Here’s a little reminder for you. Come what may, you need to put your best efforts towards every activity at hand. You might fail once or twice, but eventually, your efforts will pay off, and you will see success. So, remember, by no means should you undervalue your efforts. Keep going, and it is not long before you kiss success.

  • Success is an ongoing process:

Let us open this point with a quick example. Let us say you want to become an expert in the game of chess. What do you do next? You start playing more of this indoor game. With practice, you learn more and more strategies and eventually come out as a successful chess player.

Let us now look at the second possibility. You wake up from sleep and decide that you will become a successful chess player. You sit all day and keep playing chess. Finally, you appear for a tournament and lose the game.

What you understand from this is that success does not have any shortcuts. It does not become your reality in a span of a few hours. You need to continue to put in efforts and work towards your goal in a phased manner.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, ranked among the top schools in Patna, would like the young minds to understand that there is no harm in sparing a little time every day to work on your goals. Try things out for yourselves and see whether an ongoing process leads to success.

  • Your success or failure does not decide your worth:

Self-worth is a vital metric, which every individual needs to lay emphasis on. After all, it is in your hands to preserve your self-worth.

Just imagine what would happen if you yourself lower your worth. Everyone around you will start lowering your worth too!

So, even if you are aiming for success in, say, a game of football but somehow loses it, make sure you don’t begin blaming yourself or judge your worth based on this one loss. All you need to do is convince yourself that you will stand back stronger and hit back with more confidence. There is absolutely no need to put your worth at stake. Just remember, be it success or failure, you continue to remain worthy!

  • Success comes with realistic goals:

As we already discussed, success has to do with your ability to achieve the pre-laid goals. For instance, you may want to get fitter. You decide that you will lose 50 kg in a time frame of 15 days. You fail to achieve the pre-decided milestone and sulk over not being able to attain success.

What you do not realise here is that the goals which you had laid down did not hold any meaning in the first place. This means if you decide to walk the path of success but keep the route really short, you may not hit your desired goals.

Thus, an important point to note here is that if you wish to become successful, then you need to gather your attention on setting realistic goals.

  • Failures mean success is on its way:

One of the common mistakes most people make is that as soon as they start seeing failure, they panic and give up on their goal entirely. However, an important realization that they tend to miss out on is that failure is often the first step towards grand success.

Hence, any time you fail, it is important to start all over again and give things your best try. After all, some of the most successful stories have surfaced after multiple failed attempts and going back and forth on one’s goals.

What is important is to see failures as learning lessons, which help to prevent you from repeating the same mistakes again. You go wrong, you learn from it, you decide to not repeat the same mistake, you give your goals another try and guess what, you have found success and success has found you!

So, the next time you find yourself failing rather repeatedly, know the time has come to kiss success.

  • It’s not worth running behind the success:

If you trace the journeys of some of the successful people today, you will come to know that success wasn’t the end goal they were trying to achieve. They were putting their blood and sweat into their goals without getting insecure as to whether they will achieve success or not. They allowed success to just be. They continued doing their job, and even before they realized it, success was following them.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, want our students to understand that success is important; you should aim for it but not be consumed by it. It is worth taking baby steps in the direction of success, but not by diverting your attention away from your goals.

From this, it is very clear that success has many dimensions to it. If you wish to become successful, then it is important you understand each dimension and make peace with the front running idea.

So, what is it that most successful students do differently?

As we already discussed, success is a diverse term, which means it will hold a different place in each one’s life. Today, let us try to approach this topic from a somewhat generalized perspective.

  • Self-belief:

Let us assume, the world has been telling you that you are not enough. Maybe there are people judging you and assuming that you are not capable of achieving your goals. It is quite possible that people’s beliefs about you have bogged you down. In most cases, you might have fallen for the trap and must have started viewing yourself in the eyes of others.

This is one important area that separates successful students from their counterparts. One important possession in the case of successful students is their self-belief. They choose to not view themselves in the eyes of others. They have their own independent impression of themselves, which keeps them going. No doubt, they end up becoming much more successful than other students of their age.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, recognized among the top schools in Patna, firmly believe that children must be taught to see themselves in a good light. They must be taught how important self-belief is for their growth and overall progress. Once they come to understand this, they will be more than willing to work towards building their self-belief. What follows is sure shot success!

  • Self-awareness:

Even though it is important to have a strong self-belief in yourself, it is equally or more important to know what you are capable of.

Let us say you set a couple of goals towards which you start working, but you are constantly under stress and confusion about whether you have the necessary expertise to strike off these goals from your list or not. If that is the case, then you lack a very important trait, which is self-awareness.

What most successful students do differently is that they make wise choices. Since they are self-aware, they know exactly what their beliefs are and what they stand for. Most importantly, they are well versed in their skillset. This, in turn, makes it possible for them to utilize their skills in order to achieve the pre-set goals.

If you lack self-awareness but are desirous of attaining success, it is high time you take inspiration from already successful people and bring a lot more self-awareness to the table. Once this is done, it is not long before you join the gang of successful people.

  • Zero comparisons:

You cannot really measure your success on the basis of what others are doing or standing for. For the success metric to provide you accurate results, it is important that the necessary comparisons be made between where you stood yesterday and where you are standing today.

Comparisons are one thing that successful people stay away from. The only comparison they believe in is the one where their today’s progress is compared to where they stood yesterday. In fact, that is the right way of moving in the direction of success.

For instance, let us say you have participated in a running competition. You come 2nd on two consecutive days. Now, if you go to compare your run time with the person, who stood first, you will see yourself as a failure. On the other hand, if such a comparison is made between the 3rd spot and you on the 2nd spot, you will see yourself as successful.

Such comparisons will serve no purpose. In fact, they will add to your confusion levels. An easy way out is to compare your run time yesterday and today. By doing this, you will come to know whether your own performance has improved or not.

If it has, it means you are on your way to success. If not, you know there is still a lot of scope for improvement.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, explain concepts like these in the most straightforward fashion to our students so that at no point do they feel discouraged or clueless. The idea is to let them know that real success comes with comparisons, not with others, but with one’s own performance. The comparison should be between where you stood yesterday and where you are standing today.

  • Life-long learning:

You may have heard for the longest time that learning is a continuous process. This means that no matter how much knowledgeable or full of wisdom you may be, still there is immense scope for you to keep learning.

This is one thing that most students who come out successful truly believe in. They always keep their focus on life-long learning. They don’t believe in learning being a one-time affair. Instead, learning for them is consistent and continuous.

Hence, if you are desirous of following in the steps of already successful students, it is important for you to be hungry for knowledge. It is vital for you to have faith in the process of learning. You need to accept learning as a life-long affair. The best part about life-long learning is that it is a great way of value addition. Hence, even if you are not able to yet reach the point of success you are seeking, the knowledge you have gathered on the way is certainly not going to waste.

  • Practical experiences:

When you finish school, enrol yourself for higher education, and finally secure a job, you will be exposed to a terminology known as ‘on-the-job-training. Now, the question arises – When you have studied so much, secured good grades, and got a desirable job, why is it even necessary to make yourself available for on-the-job training?

The answer to this question is very simple.  What you have gathered so far is theoretical knowledge but what your on-the-job training will provide you is practical learning.

Practical experiences are way different and far more important. And that kind of knowledge can only be gathered while working on a job.

A similar ideology is applicable in the case of most successful students. Such students do not feel satisfied with receiving theoretical knowledge alone. They make it a point to go beyond books and gather practical experiences. Practical experiences offer clarity, which books just can’t teach. After all, it is only when you are pushed into an ocean do you learn to swim. Isn’t it!

We, at The Tribhuvan School, make sure that our children learn much more than just bookish knowledge. Our goal remains to expose them to life experiences. After all, there is no better learning than that. In fact, it is our approach of infusing theory with practical knowledge which has helped our students to walk on the path of success.

  • Never give up attitude:

After a few failed attempts, many people tend to believe that the task at hand is not made for them. Many assume that they do not have the necessary skills to succeed in the given task.

However, this is not the case with most successful students. They do not like and take a ‘No’ for an answer. To some extent, the age-old proverb, “Try, Try till you succeed” stands true in the case of such students.

These students do not have a giving up attitude. They are not the ones who would want to leave the battlefield without facing the enemy. What these successful students do is that they keep trying different alternatives to reach their goal. At no point do they question their goals and see themselves as less than anyone.

They decide their goal, have a strong belief that they will meet that goal, and lastly, keep trying till the time the goal is ticked off from their list. This means if you wish to be successful, then the first thing you need to do is to imbue a never-give-up attitude. Just know that you are capable of achieving much more and continue to work in that direction.

In the days to come, you must have touched success, and that is when you will understand how easy and doable the entire process was. Having said that, it is important to keep faith and wait for the best to unveil before you.

  • Team player:

If you wish to be successful, you can seldom do so in the absence of company, or let us say, without team members who bring the best of their knowledge and experiences to the table.

As someone, who is working in the direction of achieving success, but in isolation, then you are already on the wrong track – A track that does not match with the route taken by the most successful students.

Success comes with respecting the opinions of people around you. At times, you may be taking the wrong step, which is when a team member or well-wisher may caution you. This will save you a lot of your precious time and efforts, making it easier for you to reach your goals.

Thus, an important lesson that already successful students leave behind is that you need to come together with people, brainstorm, exchange ideas, work out multiple plans, and eventually make your decision. If you make everything about yourself, even if you succeed, it is going to take a very long time.

As one of the top schools in Patna, we, at The Tribhuvan School, make sure that children learn to function in groups in a manner that is beneficial to every member of the group. We help them understand how easy life would become once they start happily co-existing. No doubt, success will soon follow!

You are just one step away from being successful!

If you have been assuming that you are not born to be successful, then it is high time to throw that belief out of the window, precisely far away. The fact is that every person has an equal right to be successful. What remains to be seen is the amount of effort that you are willing to put in towards achieving your goals and eventually kissing success.

If you are someone who takes failures personally, it will be very difficult for you to keep trying in the direction of success. One failure might pull you down to such an extent that standing up again might work out as a big challenge for you.

If you want to be successful and follow in the shoes of already successful students, then there is a lot of work that you need to do on yourself. You need to keep assuring yourself that you are doing the right thing, and sooner or later, you will see success.

We, at The Tribhuvan School, back our students on every independent journey that they would like to take. We encourage them to put their best foot forward without thinking or worrying about how the future will unfold. If they succeed, nothing like it. If they don’t, there will be no regrets as they will be happy that they did not hesitate to try.

If you would like your child to walk in the direction of success while being open to the idea of accepting multiple views and staring challenges back in the eyes, then make sure you instil in them the right values, teach them the true meaning of success, and help them get a 360-degree view of growth and progress.

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